Friday, March 22, 2013

Outcome 2

          I believe I acquired outcome 2, integrate reliable evidence from multiple perspectives to inform practice and make reasonable clinical judgments, during the nursing research course I participated in during the BSN program. The assigned readings from the text, Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice, described clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), the importance of evidence based practice for quality and safe patient outcomes, methods for internet searching like the PLEASED method, and other knowledge needed to guide my use of the best research available for incorporating into nursing practice.  I now understand the value that subscribing to peer reviewed journals, joining a nursing association, and staying current with continuing education credits provides to my nursing career. I do subscribe to one nursing journal a year and am a member of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, which offers access to evidenced based practice peer reviewed articles, continuing education credits at a reasonable price, and other valuable assistance and tools for expansion of my career.  Every day at work I perform evidence based practice using all that I have learned from reading peer reviewed articles from reputable studies.
            Another major aspect of the nursing research course included learning the importance of and critiquing qualitative and quantitative studies. I utilized the FINER method to critique quantitative study and now understand that the point to quantitative research and evidenced based research is to increase patient outcomes, therefore; if the question of research or the study does not have the potential ability to change health care policies and procedures, it should not be classified as an answerable study question.  I remember a discussion post asked which study I preferred, but I believe both have merit to nursing practice. I believe by combining objectivity, rigidity, and numbers of quantitative research with the subjectivity, flexibility, and human responses of qualitative research that we can create more knowledgeable, accurate, and valid study results.

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